The Chronology of Ingo Koll’s Legacy: Creating a Swahili Astronomy Dictionary


Ingo Koll, a visionary from Germany, embarked on an extraordinary mission to create a Swahili astronomy dictionary, leaving a lasting imprint on the field. His profound fascination with Kiswahili motivated him to collaborate with local experts, ensuring the authenticity and cultural relevance of the dictionary. Despite Ingo’s passing, the knowledge and impact he left behind will endure indefinitely.

Ingo’s Vision and the Birth of the Workshop

With a deep admiration for Kiswahili, Ingo initiated a groundbreaking project to develop a comprehensive astronomy dictionary in the language. In 2018, during the months of October to November, he organized a momentous workshop specifically designed to select the precise astronomical terms for inclusion in the dictionary.

Gathering the Experts:

The workshop attracted a diverse array of participants, including esteemed professionals from Dar es Salaam and beyond. Astronomical experts from the University of Dar es Salaam, the Open University of Tanzania, and numerous others joined forces with linguistic specialists, collectively forming a highly knowledgeable and passionate group.

Workshop’s Momentous Contributions:

The workshop served as a platform for in-depth discussions, meticulous analyses, and fruitful collaborations. With the guidance of Ingo, the participants achieved exceptional results, providing accurate translations and comprehensive interpretations of astronomical concepts in Kiswahili. This landmark event became a cornerstone of Ingo’s fellowship in Africa.

Ingo’s Profound Gratitude and Acknowledgment:

Ingo regarded the workshop as a pinnacle moment in his African journey. As a foreigner from Germany, he was deeply moved by Kiswahili and recognized the value of incorporating local expertise in his pursuit. Ingo credited the workshop’s resounding success to the immense support and invaluable contributions of Dr. Jiwaji from the Open University of Tanzania.

Fulfilling the Vision with Dr. Jiwaji’s Assistance:

Ingo’s ambitious project received extensive support from Dr. Jiwaji, a respected scholar from the Open University of Tanzania. Dr. Jiwaji’s guidance, expertise, and dedication played a pivotal role in the workshop’s achievements and the overall development of the Swahili astronomy dictionary.


Ingo Koll’s visionary spirit and commitment to Kiswahili astronomy have left an indelible mark on the field. His initiation of the workshop, the collaboration with local experts, and the guidance of Dr. Jiwaji have paved the way for an authentic and comprehensive Swahili astronomy dictionary. While Ingo may no longer be with us, his profound impact and passion for cultural preservation will continue to inspire generations to come.


16-July, 2023.


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